Upcoming Training
Bronwyn Gemmell | 23 July 2018
We will be running a Tactical Firstaid course at Elite Firearms Training in Boksburg on 25th and 26th August. Email info@tericorp.co.za for more info or to book your spot.
Medical Standby for ALL your events

Spring Baby Proof Course Promotion
Wayne Gemmell | 28 August 2015
Sign up now!

September Training
Wayne Gemmell | 9 September 2013
We will be running an individual Level 1 first aid course on Saturday 14th September. The course starts at 9am. Hope to see you there.
Educational Aids and Textbook Exhibition in Partnership with Walton Stationery 2014 Catalogue Launch
Wayne Gemmell | 22 July 2013
We are privileged to have been invited to the Educational Aids and Textbook Exhibition at Crawford college, Pretoria on Wednesday. If you are involved in education, please come past and have a look. Our stand is organised and we are very excited to be attending. This will be our first exhibition and hopefully we’ll get some good exposure.
Click here for more information on the event3 of the most common first aid mistakes
Wayne Gemmell | 22 July 2013
First aid is hugely important in both the work place and the outside world. Having someone fully first aid trained on-hand helps save lives and prevents accidents from worsening every day.
For those who have had no first aid training though trying to help someone without a full understanding of the injury could mean that they make things worse.
In this blog we’re going to look at 3 common first aid mistakes that anyone who hasn’t had full training could make and hopefully help you avoid them.
Burns are common, both small and large scale. The thing is, it’s near impossible to avoid the risk of burns. We all use appliances everyday that could scold us - things like hair straighteners, kettles, and ovens are all items that we use daily. If we burn ourselves though what do we do?
The myth – If you have burnt your hand on an iron you may first think to put ice on it to help cool it down. This isn’t something that you should do. Don’t cover the burns with anything as it may stick to the skin.
What you should do – Run cool water over the burn and apply antibiotic creams (if it’s a mild burn). If there is a burn on sensitive areas such as around the eye or mouth then you should head to the hospital and have it treated by a professional.
A cut finger
Just like a burn, cutting and severing a finger is a serious injury. Whether it becomes trapped in machinery or cut accidently during cooking, unfortunately it can happen to anyone. One wrong decision could mean that it can’t be re-attached and if you’re like me, you’ll want that limb back.
The myth – For some reason people think that the best option is to put the severed finger directly on ice. This is something that you definitely shouldn’t do.
What you should do – Wrap the severed part of the finger in gauze, put it in a water tight bag and put that bag on ice. You should then take the person and the body part straight to the hospital. You can apply ice to the wound to help reduce swelling and then cover it with a dry cloth.
A Jelly Fish sting
Imagine you’re on holiday relaxing on the beach. The sea looks inviting and you decide to head out for a paddle and enjoy its cool temperature. You plunge in and 5 minutes later you feel a sharp sting on your leg. You look down to see a jelly fish dashing away.
The myth – Your first thought to help reduce the pain will be for someone to wee on you. You’ve heard of it in the films and on TV so it must work, right? Wrong.
What you should do – Wee will only work if it’s acidic, and acidic wee depends on diet. If you’re lying on the beach in pain you don’t really have time to interview people about what they drank and ate that day. You need a solution and quick. Vinegar works every time thanks to acidic qualities so use this to cure the pain.
So there you go 3 extremely common first aid mistakes that we could all make.
If you’re to take anything away from this blog let it be this: always research on how to properly treat a wound before helping. If you don’t know, call a professional.
You don’t want to make the situation any worse.
April Training
Wayne Gemmell | 16 April 2013
We have had a very busy month training at Crawford College and Prep in Pretoria. Congratulations to the learners that passed.
On the 20th of April we will be running a basic course and starting a level 1 course in Boksburg. Book now to avoid disappointment!
Level 1 and Basic course 19 Jan 2013
Wayne Gemmell | 8 January 2013
Hi all
Happy New Year! We hope that this year is safe for all. Join use for a first aid course on the 19th of Jan to help make this possible.
We will be starting a level 1 course and completing a basic first aid course. The follow up date for level 1 will be decided on the day and will depend on the progress for the day.
Keep safe!
Wayne Gemmell